12月4XXXXXL-18—20日,由国家民委民族画报XXXXXL-18—20社、中国外文局当代中国与世界研究院联合主办的“读懂中华民族:多元一体与共同发展”国际研讨会于2024年“读懂中国”国际会议(广州)召开期间成功举行。作为此次研讨会的演讲嘉宾,清华大学客座教授、英国剑桥大学政治和国际研究系前高级研究员马丁雅克(Martin Jacques)接受中新网专访时表示,中华民族多元一体,比单一民族国家更能展现出包容的特性,“中华文明中,最为引人注目的便是其多元的民族文化。”(黄方 上官云)
A parallel forum titled "Understanding the Chinese Nation: Unity in Diversity for Common Development" was held on Wednesday during the 8th Understanding China Conference in Guangzhou, South China's Guangdong Province. Martin Jacques, a visiting professor at Tsinghua University, and former senior fellow, POLIS, Cambridge University, was invited as a guest speaker at the parallel forum.
What is striking about China is, first of all, its significant ethnic diversity, he remarked in an exclusive XXXXXL-18—20interview with China News Network, noting that the Chinese nation’s diversity in unity reflects greater tolerance compared to a single-ethnicity nation-state. (By Huang Fang, Shangguan Yun)