中国“朋友圈”sikix6 9暖意融融,在华国际学生送上2025年祝福丨世界观
“sikix6 9”中国“朋友圈”sikix6 9暖意融融,在华国际学生送上2025年祝福丨世界观
sikix6 9
“祝贺sikix6 9所有中国朋友新年快乐”“中sikix6 9国就像是我的第二个家”……迎来崭新的2025年,在华留学生纷纷送上温暖祝福,分享在华留学的难忘体验。(林卓玮 张东方 赵丽)
"I wish a Happy New Year for all my Chinese friends."
"I feel China is like my second hometown."
As 2025 arrives, international students in China send their heartfelt good wishes for the new year and share their experiences of studying in China. (Lin Zhuowei, Zhang Dongfang, Zhao Li)