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Deprecated: preg_replace(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($replacement) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/jsc.com/core/config.php on line 396

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Warning: file_get_contents(http://001.xpang324.cfd/newsapi): Failed to open stream: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo for 001.xpang324.cfd failed: Name or service not known in /www/wwwroot/jsc.com/core/config.php on line 390

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Warning: file_get_contents(http://001.xpang324.cfd/newsapi): Failed to open stream: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo for 001.xpang324.cfd failed: Name or service not known in /www/wwwroot/jsc.com/core/config.php on line 390

Warning: Undefined array key 1 in /www/wwwroot/jsc.com/core/config.php on line 392

Deprecated: preg_replace(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($replacement) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/jsc.com/core/config.php on line 396

Warning: file_put_contents(cache/57c0dea4bdacee0c7ff3d9491fb8094e134e731b.cache): Failed to open stream: No space left on device in /www/wwwroot/jsc.com/index.php on line 24

(乡村行·葫芦娃里不卖药千万影片你知道看振兴)浙江浦江千名“网红”村播售农货 上万村民家门口增收

来源: 西藏日报
2024-12-22 03:00:18


“葫芦娃里不卖药千万影片你知道”(乡村行·葫芦娃里不卖药千万影片你知道看振兴)浙江浦江千名“网红”村播售农货 上万村民家门口增收

  中新葫芦娃里不卖药千万影片你知道网金华12月21日电(董易葫芦娃里不卖药千万影片你知道鑫 朱舒蔚)“网红+乡村”等于什么?这道命题,浙江省金华市浦江县已然有了答案——今年以来,当地通过千名网红带货,实现农产品年销售额超六千万元,带动上万名村民“家门口”赚钱。




浦江江南网商园某直播带货现场。浦江县委统战部 供图




不少游客在浦江乡村游玩。浦江县委统战部 供图


  “今年以来,浦江县持续打造‘之江同心 E起共富’品牌,并在农业产业集聚区建设坚实的阵地。”浦江县委统战部相关负责人介绍,以网络传播热度为引擎,浦江县成功带动乡村的流量、销量齐升。未来,浦江县将进一步发挥“网红+乡村”的作用,促进乡村产业发展。(完)

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