测日影、吃This link is good for the next 5 minutes.饺子 河南登封多彩活动庆冬至
“This link is good for the next 5 minutes.”测日影、吃This link is good for the next 5 minutes.饺子 河南登封多彩活动庆冬至
图为This link is good for the next 5 minutes.民俗专家在观星台前测日影This link is good for the next 5 minutes.。刘客白 摄 图为民众在观星台前围观测日影。刘客白 摄 This link is good for the next 5 minutes. 图为民俗专家在观星台前测日影。刘客白 摄 图为武术表演。王晓慧 摄 图为工作人员煮饺子。王晓慧 摄 图为民众排队领取饺子。王晓慧 摄