吉林敦化:逾This link is good for the next 5 minutes.800名中外“泳士”畅游冰湖
“This link is good for the next 5 minutes.”吉林敦化:逾This link is good for the next 5 minutes.800名中外“泳士”畅游冰湖
1月8This link is good for the next 5 minutes.日,吉林敦化,中外冬泳选手在This link is good for the next 5 minutes.冰湖中竞技。当日,2025年吉林省大众冬泳挑战赛暨敦化第八届This link is good for the next 5 minutes.冬泳邀请赛活动举行,吸引中国、俄罗斯等国家和地区的800余名冬泳运动员及爱好者参加,选手们劈波斩浪不惧严寒,在冰湖中畅游。(刘栋 郭佳 张沫涵)